C. Ravelli, M. Corsini, A. Ventura, M. Domenichini, E. Grillo, S. Mitola (2024), Alternative method to visualize receptor dynamics in cell membranes https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0304172

There is a close relation between membrane receptor dynamics and their behavior. Several microscopy techniques have been developed to study protein dynamics in live cells such as the Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) or the Single Particle Tracking (SPT). These methodologies require expensive instruments, are time consuming, allow the analysis of small portion of the cell or an extremely small number of receptors at a time. Here we propose a time-saving approach that allows to visualize the entire receptor pool and its localization in time. This protocol requires an epifluorescence microscope equipped for structured illuminated sectioning and for live cell imaging. It can be applied to characterize membrane receptor and multi protein complex and their response to activators or inhibitors. Image acquisition and analysis can be performed in two days, while cells and substratum preparation require a few minutes a day for three days.

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