XXVI AIMETA Congress – 2-6 September 2024, Naples, Italy

In September 2024, Prof. Alberto Salvadori and Mattia Serpelloni, two members of the Mechanobiology Research Center, will partecipate at the XXVI AIMETA Congress. The Congress, hosted by the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, is an esteemed event bringing together scholars, researchers, and professionals. Topics addressed may span a wide range, reflecting the diverse interests and expertise within the theoretical, computational, experimental and technical-applicative aspects of mechanics.

Mattia, together with F. Recrosi (University of Chieti-Pescara), P. Gaziano (Tor Vergata University of Rome) and L. Zoboli (Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome), will chair a special session entitled “Mechanobiology of living matter across the scales: from cells to tissue” within the mini-symposium “Theoretical and Applied Biomechanics”.

The session is devoted to presenting recent advances that explore the interactions between the mechanics of living matter and the underlying chemo-biological processes, fostering the exchange of knowledge between researchers from different fields. Modelling of cellular and sub – cellular behaviour, tissue growth and tissue remodelling are examples of key themes. Computational, experimental and theoretical contributions will be welcome.

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